Cultural Intelligence

Before Dr. Renee Bhatti-Klug spoke with us, I had some understanding of cultural intelligence. I knew it was important to be inclusive and accept the perspectives and traditions of other cultures. However, in her talk, she provided us with guidance to get a deeper understanding of why cultural intelligence and cultural responsiveness is important. She also taught us how to incoporate that into future projects and workplaces.

There are three components to cultural intelligence: cultural openness, cultural awareness, and cultural responsiveness. Openness requires the curiosity value. Awareness requires empathy. Responsiveness requires compassion, a very important leadership quality. Eventually, the goal is implement a plan for appropriate behavior that leads to cultural opportunities.

The outcome if this is accomplished is a workplace or environment where people of all cultures feel included and equal. There is also diversity present with many views and opinions at the table that are responded. Also, there is equity where all individuals are recognized and have the same opportunities and resources.

Stretegies to increase your cultural intelligence include using the questions in Dr. Renee Bhatti-Klug's guide. There are questions to start off in your reflection and understanding of yourself. To better understand other cultures, you first have to understand your own and how it is different. You also have to relfect on how much you understand your cultural intellgience.

Ask yourself questions such as (These questions are all directly from Dr. Renee Bhatti-Klug's Guide for Cultural Intelligence):

1. Do I have a desire to interact with people from cultures different than my own?

2. Am I willing to listen to different perspectives and worldviews?

3. Am I able to reflect on past mistakes to inform future behaviors?

4. Am I able to listen without judging?

5. Do I feel comfortable trying new experiences, like travel, foods, or projects?

6. Do I like to ask questions?

7. Do I implement perspectives, suggestions, and feedback from the people who will be directly impacted by my work?

8. Do I adjust my behavior to be most inclusive of another person?

9. After listening to someone’s needs, do I do something to help address those needs?

This reflection ranks your openness, awareness, and responsiveness. From this you can see what areas you need to improve on. If you are low in openness, then you can then use curiosity to learn more about different cultures.

Then, it is important to make a plan. The critical part is action. You have to actually put the plan into motion and make sure your're inviting everyone to the table.

We were prompted to create questions and plans for our cultural responsiveness. It really made me realize I was unprepared before to do this. With the tools I have learned, I know the areas I need to improve and that I can incorporate into my professional identity. I hope in my careers to demonstrate compassion as an advocate for cultural diversity.

Here are some resources for you to use increase your understanding of cultural intelligence:

Bhatti-Klug, R. R. (2022). Increasing Cultural Responsiveness Among University Faculty Through Cultural Intelligence Training. Arizona State University. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

QICWD. (2023). Cultural Intelligence. Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development.

Ang, S., Van Dyne, L., & Rockstuhl, T. (2015). Cultural intelligence: Origins, conceptualization, evolution, and methodological diversity. In M. J. Gelfand, C. Y. Chiu, & Y. Y. Hong (Eds.), Handbook of advances in culture and psychology (Vol. 5, pp. 273–323). Oxford University Press.

Earley, P. C., & Ang, S. (2003). Cultural intelligence: Individual interactions across cultures. Stanford University Press.


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