Vulnerability in STEM: Spring Blog Post 3
It has been difficult to not see Daring Greatly by Dr. Brown as an attack on my perspecitves of life. However, her challenge towards normative shame culture is perhaps the exact ideas I needed to consider. First, I recognize now that my notion that I am not enough and need to simply work harder to be enough is more detrimental than motivational. I have always considered myself a wholehearted person, but according to Dr. Brown's definition, I am furthest from that description. My lack of a sense of worthiness drove me to excel in academics and be highly competitive. The down fall of this strategy to high achievement, although, was my inability to cope with failure and an eventual, overwhleming burn-out. I will not sleep, overexert my brain/body, and disengage with any self-care/social events to make sure I have the best grades, performance reviews, or be the mom with the most elaborate snacks at the 1st grade bake sale. I don't know if breaking the thought that I have be the ...