Week 8: Plague Data

 Hey folks!

Since I have had more emphasis in the blog on the bat project, I wanted to focus this week's post on the Plague project. I recently found a really good source that I don't know how eluded me last semester. It is the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. They publish an annual epidemiological report which includes Plague data, which as most of you know I am trying to collect. They don't have reports for 2019 or 2020, yet. I don't know if this is due to a time/review process. 

I've reviewed the reports for 2014 through 2018. There were zero cases reported, which is awesome for the people of Europe. However, it is not awesome when searching for data. So, why is this a great source still? Their reports include the numbers reported yearly around the globe (BY COUNTRY, BY YEAR)!!! 

I know it doesn't seem really exciting but, this has been really messy statistically. I've had data in ten year blocks from some countries or in months from other countries. Analyzing them across the board and comparing temperature has been really difficult. You can imagine how happy I was when I scrolled through the European report to find this information. I need to double-check it is an inclusive report but, thus far, it has seemed pretty solid.

I hope you all are having a wonderful semester! Also, I got into the REU program for Environmental Science at NAU this summer! Thank you all peers and mentors for letting me a part of this learning community. I appreciate all of your support always!

Pictured above is the logo of the center that produces these annual reports. 



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