Online Presence
Hello Everyone! Currently, my largest online presence is on social media. I use Facebook and Instagram to connect with long distance family and friends. However, I do have both accounts set to private so that it is exclusively seen by select people of my choosing. Also, I have a Twitter account, but I do not enjoy the platform nor have the capacity to keep up with it. I estimate I haven't opened it in 7+ years. Unfortunately, I am starting to realize that many employers and busineses utilize Twitter now. I may have to eventually jump on board. I recently Googled myself for the purpose of this post. My findings didn't result in any information about myself. There seems to be MANY Kimberly Merrills, of which, I don't seem to signigicantly stand out. In a way, I really like that I don't appear on a search engine. However, as I start to move into finding a career, this is probably not a great attribute. Lastly, the only other presense I show on the worldwide we...